3-Pair Screen
Installation with video and sound (looped)
This installation includes a projected video onto a hanging blind and a separate sound behind it. While the work is set to imitate its subject, it relies on itself as an object, and with the sound of concealed intimacy, it also situates inside the audience's imagination and subjective mind. Using screen as a subject matter, the work explores the spatial relations within and outside an image and its fluidity in its visual, physical as well as subjective forms.
這作品是關於影像的多面性 — 它是現實的模仿,也是一件存在的實物,更是在心中的一個組合。簾子作為一個關於影像空間的題材,在作品中以視覺、實物、功能、主觀心理等方式呈現出來;它浮動不定,立體多維,隨時間環境改變,更因應觀眾的立足點和聆聽想像而各有所異。
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solomon yu artist hong kong 余迪文 香港 藝術家 余廸文
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