Tiny Voices Series
勢弱言輕系列 : 微觀抗爭聲音
Microscopic photos of protest messages posted around the city in Hong Kong
During the many waves of protest movement for democracy and political autonomy between 2014-2019 in Hong Kong, thousands, if not millions, of memo sheets, leaflets, printer papers, posters, banners, etc. had been stuck onto walls in public spaces around the city by the people. They carried a wide range of messages, from protests and political demands of all kinds, to encouragements, curses and aspirations, even lost & found notices and marriage proposals. Some of them were well designed and printed, others were spontaneously handwritten. The scenes they created were colourful, poetic, communal, and strikingly powerful. Since they were outdoor and exposed to the weather, the materials worn out in time, colours and ink faded in the sun or bled in the rain. Messages became illegible and abstract, but very soon a new layers of messages would be added on top as the protest continued for months.
I was moved and fascinated by the ephemeral nature of these protesting medium - their substances and forms as much as the demands and aspirations. I took microscopic photos of them at the sites and hoped to capture fragments of these voices of the people, not knowing that soon all of these would be prohibited and censored.
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