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Tik M Solomon YU               bio  |  lately  |  artworks  |  curations  |  particiaptions  |  contact

Tik Yu is attracted by the state of in-betweenness and interested in the negotiation of senses, forms and narrations, exploring the gaps and bridges between them for re-imagining, questioning, connecting and taking action. Working with painting, digital imaging, sound, installation and participatory projects, he transforms collected materials into situations, and invites audience to interact with them and discover new perspectives and meanings. As part of his practice, Yu also collaborate with others and curates exhibitions and projects, developing creative methods to involve and engage audience and participants. He enjoys teaching and learning with others about art and culture, and has been an educator working in programmes presented by M+ Museum, Birmingham City University, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong Design Institute, Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong and other art organisations. Yu was born in Hong Kong and received his MA in Fine Arts from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2011. He is a 4-time recipient of Visual Arts Project Grants from the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, and his works have been exhibited in Australia, Austria, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and U.K.

余廸文是一位香港創作人,2011年於香港中文大學取得藝術文學碩士他從繪畫出發,對感官、 形式和述事的角力關係深感興趣,多方面探索影像生產如何作為我們提問、思考、 連接 、甚至行動的媒介。他收集挪用影像、物件和聲音,轉化為混合繪畫、數碼影像和媒體裝置,並透過設置情境,邀請觀眾與它們互動,向背後的現實結構作出提問,重新想像。余氏也喜歡與他人一起學習藝術和文化,跟不同範籌的單位合作策劃展覽和創意項目,開拓與觀眾互動的新可能,延伸實踐他的藝術創作,並且享受教學工作。


Press & Review -

TVB 香港新聞 專題節目「無耆不有 - 盲攝 」,TVB News,06/2022

「M+夏令營2018 ─ 非非」回顧短片 Aftermovie of M+ Summer Camp 2018: far out, 26/10/2018

Samson Wong, Two Exhibitions on Our City’s Value of Time, Medium, 6/8/2018



藝術家視頻獨白 《把新聞主播和城市景觀分開》,藝頻,2017




武漠,确据的其他面向,LEAP 艺术界,24/3/2017 


Zoey TANG, Review for Other Sides of Evidence, Art Asia Pacific, 21/2/2017






Yang YEUNG, What Unimaginable Forms, 1st published in a. m. post, #119, 3/2016


Hannah HODSON, Silent Waves, Time Out Hong Kong, 6/2015


羅玉梅,雨傘運動 — 田野錄音調查,聲音圖書館,23/6/2015


Interview with Altermodernists, 13/2/2015


編導:鄧心怡,好想藝術_進行中 [聽、見、想、像] ,RTHK,1/1/2014


Cultural Express 文化快訊「聽、見、想、像」展覽,RTHK,1/12/2013

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